Sunday morning worship - 11:30 AM
Wednesday night empowerment - 7:00 PM
Prayer has the power to heal the soul
Fresh Anointed Ministries was birth in the spirit realm in 2007 and was manifested in the natural realm in February 2016. We are here to teach the higher calling of our Lord Jesus Christ, to develop strong relationships with Jesus and others, to gain a deeper understanding of God and His purpose for our lives, and to run the race that has been set before us. And we know that with HIM nothing is impossible!

A heart filled with love has no room for hate.
Our Mission
- Reach the lost and teach them the steps of salvation and sanctification.
- Teach them how to remain in their new life in Christ.
- Teach them how to live a victorious spiritual life by making the Spirit of God a part of their lives.
- To educate men, women, boys and girls concerning their responsibility in home, church and the community.
- To minister to the entire needs of a person’s spiritual, personal, mental, and recreational life.
- To promote love in all we do, giving reverence to the blessed Trinity in this ministry.